Marsupilami wiki

Yamatunga:Before marsupilamis move back into a nest, they have a great celebration... a housewarming to pay tribute to the jungle.

Amanda:I hope they would let me videotape it.

Leo: Well, I just hope that we get invited!

Yamatunga: You all must attend the event, for the main reason they chose your home as a temporary shelter is that they consider you to be family.

David: Well, they curtainly make themselves at home here!

Yamatunga:And of course, as the Yamatunga, it is my sacred duty to attend...

Although Disney's version of Marsupilami has every reason to move back in his nest as soon as he rebuilds it, his kind (South American, especially) don't offically move back into a nest for another two-or-three days. Traditionally, the elder female of the Marsu family (see Grandma Marsu) is the Keeper of Tradition and the Gaurdian of Knowladge, and so only she could announce the beginning of the event (more often then not, as the sun is setting) with a short yet profound speach, and with music made with whatever natural resource handy and an ancient chant sung by the Yamatunga, the Marsupilamis and there human "family members" dance until the dark of the night. By then the party concludes with the traditional Seed-Spitting ceremony, in which everyone takes a mango from the leafy fruit-basket, and spits the pit into a hole the elder female made in the soil of the jungle (according to Yamatunga, it's there way of thanking the kind spirit, Mother Nature, for providing for them). After the seeds are buried and watered ritualisticly, all the guests of the nest warming wait until one of the seeds sprouts (usually that happens by morning, but sometimes that takes 24 hours or more), and when the sprout does appear, the elder female observes it closely with eyes and nose for signs from the spirit world as to who among them should have the honor of First-in-the-nest; traditionally, it's one of the marsupilamis, but on the rarest of occations, the honor is given to a guest outside the species (more often then not, a human), thus that part of the ceremony becomes a not-so-traditional form of entertainment. Regaurdless, the nest is ready to be offically resedented in as soon as the first-in-the-nest gets inside successfully, but the ritual had to be sealed with humorous playacting from the elder female, as she dances under the nest with her tail coiled up in her hands like a miniture trampoline, as though making a teasing remark/reminder that if the honored guest falls on the way down, she will catch him. When he gets to the ground, the nestwarming is offically over, and everyone gets to go home
